I really needed to vent out and post a rant about all the things that annoy me to death. So, here it is.
Number 1 - People with heads that are large enough to be Helium balloons.
... full of hot gas |
You know what I'm talking about. There are those people who are intent on making a point of just how smart/busy/awesome they are (when clearly, they aren't). How to spot one of these morons? Easy. All you have to do is ask a simple question and they will give you a complete recap of their life and achievements.
you - "Hey dude, how are you doing? I feel like I've been run over by a Mack truck."
Annoying bigheaded person - "Really? I feel great. You know despite the fact that I took a power walk through Death valley after work on Friday and then wrote my entire life's memoirs on my Android phone and while beating my computer in chess, level 9 of course."
Your mind -WTF? (your face - O_o )
...surviving w/out brains, worse |
These people are self absorbed idiots who think that they are better than everybody else and will try to impress (cough *show off *cough) their -often times lame - achievements.
How to be rid of them - sadly, man is yet to invent a successful method of deflating overly inflated brainless heads without resorting to murder. This means that you are entirely up to your own devices. Instead of trying to one-up them, you should nod at the appropriate places and try your best to avoid talking/texting/chatting/messaging with these people at all costs. They're on your Facebook? Well then you're screwed.
Number 2 - The annoying fat people in buses (not the regular ones)
yeah, right |
I am one of those unfortunate souls who has to bus-it to and from work everyday. This puts me (sadly) in close proximity with these obese morons. My problem is when I am unfortunate enough to share a seat with one of these people, I end up clinging to dear life and praying that the bus won't move too much because apparently, the large person next to me has decided to fall asleep/ place their size-appropriate bag next to them (taking up even more space)/ or act totally pervy or smell to the heavens. Seriously, there should be a size limit to people who are allowed to sit in buses (or stand... oh what the hell, they should totally walk, they need the exercise). And then there are the ones who walk reeeeeeallly slowly on narrow aisles blocking your progress and wasting your life.
How to spot them - Well duh, that mountain of jiggling flesh tottering towards you or spilled on the one available seat on the bus is one of these creeps. Male or female, they are everywhere.
Good luck with that Fatso! |
How to avoid one - Well, unless the government imposes a maximum weight/circumference limit on people, fatties will continue to live on and annoy you to death. Try to keep out of their way and go on a diet to avoid becoming one of them yourself.
Number 3 - Stalkers
:-s |
Ever since the birth of social networking, the art of stalking has been taken to a whole new level. Stalking used to be something that required immense stealth and planning as it was mostly carried out in person. (You know like that fairy,
Edward Cullen) But now, thanks to Mr. Sucker-berg, we have to try our best to keep these creeps from viewing our pictures on Facebook.But they don't just stop at looking. They also like to poke, friend request, message and add our friends too. This is so damn annoying when you find a whole bunch of unknown weirdos messaging and poking you at all odd hours of the day. Seriously, just because you have a picture of some cute guy you found out on the internet, that does not give you the right to poke anyone (mainly 'cause you are NOT that cute guy).
As for the traditional stalker-types, they still do exist. As a result of being a poor soul who has to bus-it, I run in to these in the flesh quite a lot.
You might want to stop leaving your profile open. Your cat might take pity and, you know the rest! |
How to spot one - Easy, all the random creeps who try and add you on Facebook are stalkers to some degree. It is best to avoid them like the plague. But, there are those who take stalking to a whole new level. Like, messaging, poking and adding your friends (the dumb ones who would add anything that can click the "add as a friend" button). If you have decided to add one of these creeps by accident, or out of pity then be warned as they will bombard your statuses with their lame comments. So, if you're adding them, do so at your own risk.
The traditional ones are hard to miss. They stare at you, unabashedly, like they've never seen another human being before. And will try to strike a conversation or smile with you or worse, persuade you to call them.
How to avoid one - Easy, don't add them. If they keep annoying you, block them or, be nasty and report them so that Sucker-berg's army of minions can deal with them.
Avoiding the traditional ones is a bit tricky. You might want to tell them to back off or remove yourself from the situation to avoid them. But in reality, they'll be a pain throughout the entire bus ride. Enjoy.
Well, that's all for now. Ah, it feels good after a rant :D
Day I has rantz. Teehee |